The quantum Zeno effect is the suppression of Hamiltonian evolution by repeated observation, resulting in the pinning of the state to an eigenstate of the measurement observable. Using measurement only, control of the state can be achieved if the observable is slowly varied such that the state tracks the now time-dependent eigenstate. We demonstrate this using a circuit-QED readout technique that couples to a dynamically controllable observable of a qubit. Continuous monitoring of the measurement record allows us to detect an escape from the eigenstate, thus serving as a built-in form of error detection. We show this by post-selecting on realizations with arbitrarily high fidelity with respect to the target state. Our dynamical measurement operator technique offers a new tool for numerous forms of quantum feedback protocols, including adaptive measurements and rapid state purification.In the field of quantum control, two essentially distinct resources are available for state manipulation. Application of a time-dependent Hamiltonian via external driving enables state preparation given a known initial state. In contrast, measurement and dissipation provide a uniquely quantum resource, owing to the stochastic back-action that necessarily accompanies acquisition of information. In addition, measurement-based, or incoherent control [1] also extracts entropy from a system, this information can be used to detect and correct for errors and imperfections. While incoherent and Hamiltonian control are often used in conjunction [2-7], full control is also possible using measurement alone [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. Measurement-only manipulation has been demonstrated using a fixed measurement basis [15], but unlike Hamiltonian-based methods, implementation of a timedependent measurement basis is lacking. Such a capability is a versatile additional degree of freedom for measurement based protocols, such as rapid state purification [5] and state manipulation [9,10,16], for control by projection into a subspace referred to as quantum Zeno dynamics [17], and for measurement-based quantum computation [18].In this Letter, we present a method to dynamically tune the measurement operator in a circuit-QED system, and use this capability to deterministically and incoherently manipulate the state of an effective qubit. Our method relies on the suppression of coherent evolution via strong measurement, known as the quantum Zeno effect (QZE), which has been observed in many systems [19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. Essentially it pins a quantum state to an eigenstate of the measurement operator. Changing the operator at a rate slow compared to the rate of measurement-induced dephasing Γ D , we effectively 'drag' the state using measurement alone [11][12][13][14]. This method does not require the measurement record or feedback to achieve control. However by monitoring the record with a quantum-limited Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA), we characterize the dynamics and arXiv:1706.08577v1 [quant-ph]