Drensky and Lakatos (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 357 (Springer, Berlin, 1989), pp. 181-188) have established a convenient property of certain ideals in polynomial quotient rings, which can now be used to determine error-correcting capabilities of combined multiple classifiers following a standard approach explained in the well-known monograph by Witten and Frank (Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005)). We strengthen and generalise the result of Drensky and Lakatos by demonstrating that the corresponding nice property remains valid in a much larger variety of constructions and applies to more general types of ideals. Examples show that our theorems do not extend to larger classes of ring constructions and cannot be simplified or generalised.2000 Mathematics subject classification: primary 16S36; secondary 20M25, 94B60.