Antigenic components of Mahoney strain (poliovirus type 1) involved in virus neutralization reaction were analyzed with mutant Mahoney strains resistant to inhibitors in equine serum (inhibitorresistant mutants) by means of the kinetic neutralization test. It was shown that absorption of antiMahoney serum with five inhibitor-resistant mutants yielded sera with different antibodies, of which three had distinct specificities and two specificities possibly partly related to one of those three sera. Further, it was found that stepwise selection of Mahoney variants resistant to one, two, three and four different inhibitors resulted in gradual deviation of its antigenic composition from that of the original strain. From these results, the possible presence of three or more distinct antigenic determinant sites on the surface of Mahoney strain was indicated.Although the complexity of poliovirus antigen is suggested by the intratypic serologic differences among strains [3,6,13,18,19,20], the antigenic components constituting poliovirus antigen and the mode in which each of these components participates in virus neutralization reaction are still poorly understood.Previously we reported that by propagating Mahoney strain in cell cultures in the presence of poliovirus inhibitors (i.e., equine serum factors inactivating poliovirus), five different inhibitor-resistant mutants were obtained [17]. Further, antibody absorption tests with these mutants demonstrated the presence in anti-Mahoney serum of at least five antibodies with different specificities. In these experiments, however, antibody activity was measured by the 50% plaque reduction method. In the present study, in contrast, the antigenic constitution of Mahoney strain and the mechanism of virus neutralization with specific antiserum were analyzed by means of the kinetic neutralization test.
MATERIALS AND METHODSVirus and cell cultures. Mahoney strain of type 1 poliovirus was used. The virus was purified by three successive plaque isolations and then grown in quantity in monkey kidney stable (MS) cell cultures with Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM) without animal serum. The infected cell culture fluid was centrifuged at 2000 rpm and the supernatant stored in small aliquots at -20 C.Plaque assay. Monolayers of MS cells in 70-mm petri dishes were inoculated with 0.4 ml per dish of virus. After incubation for lhr at room temperature, the cell layers were overlayed with 8 ml of Eagle's MEM containing 1.1 % Bacto-agar and antibiotics. The dishes were incubated at 37 C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 and air. A 4 ml of second overlay medium containing 0.01 % neutral red was added 2 days later, and plaques counted after an additional incubation period of 6-8 hr.Anti-Mahoney serum. Hyperimmune serumRequests for reprints should be addressed to Dr.