Let $H$ be a numerical semigroup. We give effective bounds for the
multiplicity $e(H)$ when the associated graded ring
$\operatorname{gr}_\mathfrak{m} K[H]$ is defined by quadrics. We classify
Koszul complete intersection semigroups in terms of gluings. Furthermore, for
several classes of numerical semigroups considered in the literature
(arithmetic, compound, special almost complete intersections, $3$-semigroups,
symmetric or pseudo-symmetric $4$-semigroups) we classify those which are
Koszul.Comment: 24 pages, v3: bibliography updated and minor edits. v2: minor editing
changes, added Remark 1.14 and reference to previous work of Rossi and Valla.
To appear in the Kyoto Journal of Mathematic