Let s be an integer, f = f (n) a function, and H a graph. Define the Ramsey-Turán number RT s (n, H, f ) as the maximum number of edges in an H-free graph G of order n with α s (G) < f , where α s (G) is the maximum number of vertices in a K s -free induced subgraph of G. The Ramsey-Turán number attracted a considerable amount of attention and has been mainly studied for f not too much smaller than n. In this paper we consider RT s (n, K t , n δ ) for fixed δ < 1. We show that for an arbitrarily small ε > 0 and 1/2 < δ < 1, RT s (n, K s+1 , n δ ) = Ω(n 1+δ−ε ) for all sufficiently large s. This is nearly optimal, since a trivial upper bound yields RT s (n, K s+1 , n δ ) = O(n 1+δ ). Furthermore, the range of δ is as large as possible. We also consider more general cases and find bounds on RT s (n, K s+r , n δ ) for fixed r ≥ 2. Finally, we discuss a phase transition of RT s (n, K 2s+1 , f ) extending some recent result of Balogh, Hu and Simonovits.