“…For any function u 0 (x), which fulfills assumptions of Lemma 5, with 𝛼 ∈ (0, 1] and q = 2 or q ⩾ 4, there is T 𝛼 = T 𝛼 (u 0 ) > 0, such that for all T ∈ (0, T 𝛼 ), there exists a unique solution v(x, t) of the integral equation (191) Proof. To prove the theorem, one should use the compression mappings method and implement the standard algorithm for continuation of the local-in-time solution v(x, t) ∈ C([0, T]; C 1+𝛼 ((1 + |x| 2 ) 1∕2 ; R 3 )) (as described, for example, in Panin 20 ). Using (75), (76), results of lemmas 5, (7), and the estimate (187), one can easily arrive at the theorem statement.…”