The single-electron transistor (SET) is considered as a promising alternative to CMOS devices and integrated circuits due to its ultra-low-power consumption. The authors propose an automatic methodology by utilising SET-based multiway decision graph (MDG) for implementing SET architecture. MDG provides a powerful means of abstraction and can be used to manipulate a certain type of first-order logic formula called directed formula (DF). An automatic tool has been developed that is capable of transferring the SET array into MDG DF to generate all paths of all possible reachable states, drawing an abstract diamond-shaped network for the SET array, producing a reduced DF generated by the MDG tool and converting the reduced DF into a conjunctive normal form formula. Then, the authors use the satisfiability approach as a verification engine to verify the correctness of these conversions. The method is tested and verified using MCNC benchmarks. The results outperform approaches based on binary decision diagrams in terms of verification time, number of clauses and variables.