In Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) networks, the limitation of optical buffering devices make it impractical to deploy conventional delay-based differentiation algorithms such as Active Queue Management, Weighted Fair Queuing, etc. Furthermore, only the delay that appears due to the burstassembly process constitutes a variable quantity (all the other sources of delay are mostly fixed), it is then reasonable to make use of the burst-assembly algorithm to provide classbased delay differentiation. The aim of the following study is twofold: first it defines an average assembly delay metric, which represents the assembly delay experienced by a random arrival at the burst assembler of an edge OBS node; and second, this metric is used to define and configure a two-class burst-assembly policy, which gives preference to high-priority traffic over low-priority packet arrivals. The results show that, (1) tuning the parameters of the two-class assembly algorithm, the two classes of traffic exhibit different burst-assembly delay; and, (2) such parameters can be adjusted to provide a given differentiation ratio in the light of the proportional QoS differentiation approach proposed in the literature. A detailed analysis of the two-class assembly algorithm is given, along with an exhaustive set of experiments and numerical examples that validate the equations derived.