The propagation of electromagnetic TE waves along boundaries of a plane dielectric layer fi lled with a Kerr medium is studied for all possible cases of the problem's parameters. The layer is located between two half-spaces with constant permittivities. The problem is reduced to a nonlinear transmission eigenvalue problem for Maxwell's equations, in which each eigenvalue is a propagation constant of a guided wave. The exact dispersion equation with respect to the eigenvalues (propagation constants) is derived and studied. It is proven that in the presence of the Kerr eff ect, several novel wave-guiding regimes arise, including regimes that have no counterparts in the linear theory. An infi nite number of eigenvalues arise in the focusing case, even if the corresponding linear problem has no solutions (the linear problem always has no more than a fi nite number of solutions). In the defocusing case, only those solutions arise that tend to linear solutions when the nonlinearity coeffi cient vanishes. It is also proven that in the nonlinear case, an infi nite number of eigenvalues do not reduce to the solutions of the corresponding linear problem, even if the nonlinearity coeffi cient tends to zero. Numerical illustrations for the results obtained are provided.