In this work we extend previously known decidability results for 2 × 2 matrices over Q. Namely, we introduce a notion of flat rational sets: if M is a monoid and N ≤ M is its submonoid, then flat rational sets of M relative to N are finite unions of the form L0g1L1 • • • gtLt where all Lis are rational subsets of N and gi ∈ M . We give quite general sufficient conditions under which flat rational sets form an effective relative Boolean algebra. As a corollary, we obtain that the emptiness problem for Boolean combinations of flat rational subsets of GL(2, Q) over GL(2, Z) is decidable.We also show a dichotomy for nontrivial group extension of GLfor some k ≥ 1, or G contains an extension of the Baumslag-Solitar group BS(1, q), with q ≥ 2, of infinite index. It turns out that in the first case the membership problem for G is decidable but the equality problem for rational subsets of G is undecidable. In the second case, the membership problem for G is an open problem as it is open for BS(1, q).In the last section we prove new decidability results for flat rational sets that contain singular matrices. In particular, we show that the membership problem is decidable for flat rational subsets of M (2, Q) relative to the submonoid that is generated by the matrices from M (2, Z) with determinants 0, ±1 and the central rational matrices.