rupted by herbivores, mechanical means, or fungal attack (Poulton, 1990). Acyanogenic (HCN negative) Lo-Cyanogenic glucosides, generally considered antinutritional factus plants or plant parts may lack the cyanoglycosides, tors, are important defense molecules against predators and, in some cases, diseases. The objectives of this study were: (i) to determine the corresponding -glucosidase, or both (Kakes, 1991; the seasonal variations in hydrogen cyanide (HCN) concentration of Compton and Jones, 1985). three widely grown Lotus spp. and (ii) to assess the overall cyanogenic The major role of cyanogenic glycosides in birdsfoot potential of the different plant components of a rhizomatous cultivar trefoil (BFT) is as a feeding inhibitor. In laboratory of broadleaf birdsfoot trefoil [Lotus corniculatus L.] (BFT). In this studies, several species of insects and mollusks preferred study, we used BFT cultivars Norcen and ARS-2620, narrowleaf trefoil acyanogenic birdsfoot trefoil leaves or petals to the cy-(L. glaber Mill.) germplasm ARS-1207, and big trefoil (L. uliginosus anogenic alternatives (Compton and Jones, 1985). As Schkur.) germplasm ARS-1221. The experiments were conducted in reviewed by Compton and Jones (1985), there is evithe field and greenhouse using a randomized complete block design. dence that, in natural populations, acyanogenic plants Significant seasonal variations in HCN concentrations in Norcen, suffer disproportionate levels of herbivory. Similar re-ARS-2620, and ARS-1207 were observed. Hydrogen cyanide concentrations were greatest in spring and summer and least in winter. ARS-sults have been reported for white clover (Trifolium 1221 was acyanogenic. Of the three cyanogenic entries grown in the repens L.) based on field and laboratory experiments field study, ARS-1207 had the greatest concentration of HCN, averag- (Hughes, 1991;Ellsbury et al., 1992). Furthermore, cyaing 900 g g Ϫ1 dry matter while Norcen and ARS-2620 had similar nogenesis has long been considered a resistance factor levels of HCN. In the greenhouse, Norcen and ARS-1207 had greater against fungi. Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] HCN concentrations than ARS-2620. Partitioning of the rhizomatous root exudates containing 0.6 to 2.7 mg kg Ϫ1 CN inhibited BFT cultivar ARS-2620 demonstrated that leaves and flowers prochlamydospore germination of two Fusarium spp. (Hillduced the greatest concentration of HCN, five times as much as stems ocks et al., 1997). Yet, the presence of large amounts and ripe-seed pods. Rhizomes, which are typically produced in winter of cyanogenic compounds can inhibit active defense reand fall, did not exhibit HCN production. Seeds of Norcen and ARSactions in plants (Lieberei et al., 1989). Another possible 2620 were acyanogenic, but ARS-1207 seeds were weakly cyanogenic. However, as seeds germinated and seedlings formed cotyledons, Nor-use of cyanogenic glycosides in plants is as a storage cen, ARS-2620, and ARS-1207 exhibited HCN. Roots of all species form of reduced N (Poulton, 1990; Selmar et al., 1...