It is known that a locally homogeneous manifold can be obtained from a locally conformally homogeneous (pseudo)Riemannian manifolds by a conformal deformation if the Weyl tensor (or the Schouten-Weyl tensor in the three-dimensional case) has a nonzero squared length. Thus, the problem arises of studying (pseudo)Riemannian locally homogeneous and locally conformally homogeneous manifolds, the Weyl tensor of which has zero squared length, and itself is not equal to zero (in this case, the Weyl tensor is called isotropic).
One of the important aspects in the study of such manifolds is the study of the curvature operators on them, namely, the problem of restoring a (pseudo)Riemannian manifold from a given Ricci operator.
The problem of the prescribed values of the Ricci operator on 3-dimensional locally homogeneous Riemannian manifolds has been solved by O. Kowalski and S. Nikcevic. Analogous results for the one-dimensional and sectional curvature operators were obtained by D.N. Oskorbin, E.D. Rodionov, and O.P Khromova.
This paper is devoted to the description of an example of studying the problem of the prescribed Ricci operator for four-dimensional locally homogeneous (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds with a nontrivial isotropy subgroup and isotropic Weyl tensor.