Background: Bile duct ligation (BDL) is a commonly used cholestatic liver disease (cLD) model. We recently found that l-arginine levels were significantly raised by melatonin in young rats with BDL. We hypothesized that protein kinase c-α (PKc-α) is involved in the increases of l-arginine in melatonintreated BDL rats. In addition, we tested whether melatonin prevents nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPh) oxidase-induced reactive oxygen species (ROs) production, in rats with BDL, through PKc. Methods: Four groups of young male rats were studied: shams (n = 6), untreated BDL rats (n = 9), melatonin-treated shams (n = 6, M), and melatonin-treated BDL rats (n = 6, BDL + M). Melatonin-treated rats received daily melatonin 1 mg/kg/d via i.p. injection. All surviving rats were killed 14 d after surgery. results: Melatonin prevented BDL-induced mortality and kidney injury. Melatonin additionally increased l-arginine concentrations in BDL liver, which is correlated with decreased PKc-α translocation. Next, melatonin increased l-arginine levels in BDL kidneys, which was correlated with decreased renal levels of arginase II. In the BDL kidney, melatonin decreased PKc-β translocation, reduced p47phox translocation, and diminished NADPh-dependent superoxide production. conclusion: Melatonin inhibits PKc-α to increase cationic amino acid transporter-1 (cAT-1)-mediated l-arginine uptake in BDL liver, whereas it inhibits PKc-β to reduce NADPhdependent superoxide production.