We present an experiment performed in 2016 at the LULI2000 laser facility in which X-ray and XUV absorption structures of nickel hot plasmas were measured simultaneously. Such experiments may provide stringent tests of the accuracy of plasma atomic-physics codes used to the modeling of plasmas close to local thermodynamic equilibrium. The experimental setup relies on a symmetric heating of the sample foil by two gold hohlraums in order to reduce the spatial gradients. The plasma conditions are characterized by temperatures between 10 and 20 eV and densities of the order of 10 −3 g/cm 3-10 −2 g/cm 3. For the X-ray part, we investigate the 2p-3d and 2p-4d transitions, and for the XUV part, we recorded the Δn = 0 (n = 3) transitions, which present a high sensitivity to plasma temperature. These latter transitions are of particular interest because, in mid-Z plasmas, they dominate the Planck and Rosseland mean opacities. Measured spectra are compared to calculations performed using the hybrid opacity code SCO-RCG and the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC). The influence of a spectator electron on the calculated spectra is analyzed using the latter code.