Let E be a field of absolute Brauer dimension abrd(E), and F/E a transcendental finitely-generated extension. This paper shows that the Brauer dimension Brd(F ) is infinite, if abrd(E) = ∞. When the absolute Brauer p-dimension abrdp(E) is infinite, for some prime number p, it proves that for each pair (n, m) of integers with n ≥ m > 0, there is a central division F -algebra of Schur index p n and exponent p m . Lower bounds on the Brauer p-dimension Brdp(F ) are obtained in some important special cases where abrdp(E) < ∞. These results solve negatively a problem posed by Auel et al. (Transf. Groups 16: 219-264, 2011).Keywords: Brauer group, Schur index, exponent, Brauer/absolute Brauer p-dimension, finitely-generated extension, valued field MSC (2010): 16K20, 16K50 (primary); 12F20, 12J10, 16K40 (secondary). * Throughout this paper, we write for brevity "FG-extension(s)" instead of "finitelygenerated [field] extension(s)".