1, an epithelialized rostral invagination of the stomadeum. The Rathke's pouch has an anterior and posterior wall in addition to a central embryonic cleft . The central lumen becomes the Rathke cleft , and normally regresses. 2 However, this structure may persist and enlarge, resulting in the formation of a cyst. RCCs are usually asymptomatic, in rare cases secondary to lesional compression visual disturbances, hypopituitarism, headache and dizziness can occur. 1 We present a patient with bilateral gross visual compromise, due to compression by a RCC; however the pituitary hormonal profi le was surprisingly normal.
Case Report50 years old male presented with progressive painless loss of vision in both eyes. One year ago, the patient noticed diminution of vision in the right eye and a month later in the left . He had been initially treated with refractive correction, for a few months. There was no respite in his symptoms, instead loss of vision in both eyes progressed greatly in severity. He did not have any contributory family history or any other co-morbid condition. At presentation, the vision in his right eye was perception of light and in the left eye, counting fi ngers at 2 meters. Pupillary reactions were normal and equivocal bilaterally, however bilateral established papilloedema was seen. Higher mental functions were intact with no cranial nerve defi cits and no sensormotor abnormalities. Perimetry could not be done in the right eye, and in the left eye a temporal defect was found. MRI brain (Figure 1) showed a cystic mass with features of a possible Rathke cleft cyst or craniopharyngioma. Pituitary hormone profi le was unremarkable. By transnasal sphenoidal approach, fl uid was drained from the cyst and marsupilization of the cyst wall was done. Histopathology (Figure 2) showed absence of typical palisading cells, stellate reticulum and calcifi cation, ruling out craniopharyngioma and confi rming Rathke cleft cyst. Postoperative period was uneventful and vision 1 week later remained perception of light in the right but improved to 6/60 in the left eye. Brief Communication