temperature conditions where thermomechanical noise can dominate. The degree of mechanical isolation is characterized by a resonator's mechanical quality factor, Q m . Typically, Q m is defined as the ratio of energy stored in a resonator over the energy dissipated over one cycle of oscillation. Inversely, mechanical quality factors can indicate the dissipation of mechanical noise into a resonator from ambient environments. For mechanical sensors, a resonator's isolation from ambient thermal noise can greatly enhance their ability to detect ultrasmall forces, pressures, positions, masses, velocities, and accelerations. For quantum technologies, mechanical quality factor dictates the average number of coherent oscillations a nanomechanical resonator (in the quantum regime) can undergo before one phonon of thermal noise enters the resonator and causes decoherence of its quantum properties. [1] From microchip sensing to quantum networks, cryogenics are conventionally required to counteract thermal noise but enabling these burgeoning technologies to operate in ambient temperatures would have a significant impact on their widespread use.In room-temperature environments, on-chip mechanical resonators with state-of-the-art quality factors have mostly consisted of high-aspect-ratio suspended nanostructures From ultrasensitive detectors of fundamental forces to quantum networks and sensors, mechanical resonators are enabling next-generation technologies to operate in room-temperature environments. Currently, silicon nitride nanoresonators stand as a leading microchip platform in these advances by allowing for mechanical resonators whose motion is remarkably isolated from ambient thermal noise. However, to date, human intuition has remained the driving force behind design processes. Here, inspired by nature and guided by machine learning, a spiderweb nanomechanical resonator is developed that exhibits vibration modes, which are isolated from ambient thermal environments via a novel "torsional soft-clamping" mechanism discovered by the data-driven optimization algorithm. This bioinspired resonator is then fabricated, experimentally confirming a new paradigm in mechanics with quality factors above 1 billion in room-temperature environments. In contrast to other state-of-the-art resonators, this milestone is achieved with a compact design that does not require sub-micrometer lithographic features or complex phononic bandgaps, making it significantly easier and cheaper to manufacture at large scales. These results demonstrate the ability of machine learning to work in tandem with human intuition to augment creative possibilities and uncover new strategies in computing and nanotechnology.