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ABSTRACTThis paper will present developments in narrow-linewidth semiconductor-disk-laser systems using novel frequencystabilisation schemes for reduced sensitivity to mechanical vibrations, a critical requirement for mobile applications. Narrow-linewidth single-frequency lasers are required for a range of applications including metrology and highresolution spectroscopy. Stabilisation of the laser was achieved using a monolithic fibre-optic ring resonator with free spectral range of 181 MHz and finesse of 52 to act as passive reference cavity for the laser. Such a cavity can operate over a broad wavelength range and is immune to a wide band of vibrational frequency noise due to its monolithic implementation. The frequency noise of the locked system has been measured and compared to typical Fabry-Perotlocked lasers using vibration equipment to simulate harsh environments, and analysed here. Locked linewidths of < 40 kHz have been achieved. These developments offer a portable, narrow-linewidth laser system for harsh environments that can be flexibly designed for a range of applications.