We present an action principle formulation for the study of motion of an extended body in General Relativity in the limit of weak gravitational field.This gives the classical equations of motion for multipole moments of arbitrary order coupling to the gravitational field. In particular, a new force due to the octupole moment is obtained. The action also yields the gravitationally induced phase shifts in quantum interference experiments due to the coupling of all multipole moments.PACS numbers: 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Fy Typeset using REVT E X
1The study of motion of extended bodies possessing multipole moments in the gravitational field has a long history [1]. The starting point was the Einstein -Infeld -Hoffman[2] derivation of the geodesic equation for a point test particle from the gravitational field equation and the conservation law for stress energy tensor. The test particle approximation breaks down if body's extension in space is non negligible compared to the radius of curvature of the background field and secondly when the back reaction due to the body on the background field is non ignorable. In this letter, we shall be concerned with the former aspect. This is particularly motivated by the fact that astrophysical bodies like planets and stars are extended and should in a realistic analysis be treated as such. The interaction of covariant generalization of Newtonian multipole moments with the gravitational field will be given by their coupling to Riemann curvature and its derivatives. This would appear as modification to the geodesic equation.The modification to the geodesic for a spinning body is given by the MathissonPapapetrou equation [3,4], which may be extended to a particle with intrinsic spin [5].Subsequent to the treatment of spinning bodies, various authors have obtained the corrections up to the covariant generalization of Newtonian quadrupole moment [6][7][8]. A comprehensive study of the problem including comparison of various approaches and results is carried out by Dixon [8], but, to our knowledge, no one has obtained corrections to geodesic equation arising due to coupling of covariantized higher order Newtonian multipole moments with gravitational field. More importantly a procedure to derive equations of motion of extended bodies, with arbitrary multipole moments, through an action principle has not been obtained during the past 65 years in which the equations of motion in a gravitational field have been studied [9]. In the absence of a general principle to obtain the action made up of terms uniquely attributed to couplings of all multipole moments, such a task is very difficult.This is precisely what we wish to do in the following.While the action is used in classical physics only as a tool to obtain the equations of motion, the action is directly observable in quantum physics as the phase of the wavefunction. Therefore, the phase shift produced by the coupling of multipole moments with the 2 gravitational field can in principle be measured (action giving an algorithm to calculat...