Integrated motion planning and control for the purposes of maneuvering mobile robots under state-and input constraints is a problem of vital practical importance in applications of mobile robots such as autonomous transportation. Those constraints arise naturally in practice due to specifics of robot mechanical construction and the presence of obstacles in motion environment. In contrast to approaches focusing on feedback control design under the assumption of given reference motion or motion planning with neglection of subsequent feedback motion execution, we adopt a controller-driven motion planning paradigm, which has recently gained attention of many researchers. It postulates design of motion planning algorithms dedicated to specific feedback control policies, which compute a sequence of feedback control subtasks instead of classically planned open-loop controls or parametric paths. In this spirit, we propose a motion planning algorithm driven by the VFO (Vector Field Orientation) control law for the waypointfollowing task. Presented analysis of the VFO control law reveals its beneficial properties, which are subsequently utilized to solve a generally nonlinear and non-convex optimal motion planning problem by formulating it as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP). The solution proposed in this paper yields a waypoint sequence, which is designed for execution by application of the VFO control law to drive a robot to a prescribed final configuration under an input constraint imposed by bounded curvature of robot motion and state constraints resulting from a convex decomposition of task space. Satisfaction of these constraints is guaranteed analytically and exactly, i.e., without utilization of numerical approximations. Moreover, for a given discrete set of possible waypoint orientations, the proposed algorithm computes plans optimal w.r.t. given cost functional, which can be any convex linear combination of quantities such as robot path length, curvature of robot motion, distance to imposed state constraints, etc. Furthermore, the planning algorithm exploits the possibility of both forward or backward movement of the robot to allow maneuvering in demanding environments. Generated waypoint sequences are a compact representation of a motion plan, which can be immediately executed with the VFO controller without any additional postprocessing. Validity of the proposed approach has 266 J Intell Robot Syst (2018) 89:265-297 been confirmed by simulation studies and experimental motion execution with a laboratory-scale mobile robot.