We present an original and reliable technique to elucidate the different contributions to the apparent base resistance (R B = R Bx + XR Bi ) of double heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) designed by Alcatel-Thales III-V Lab. The extrinsic base resistance (R Bx ) is quantified using small-signal measurements. The base-collector junction distribution factor (X) and the intrinsic base resistance (R Bi ) are extracted from high-frequency noise (HFN) measurements. This method was applied to three InP/InGaAs HBTs having different emitter surfaces (S E ). The correct determination of R Bx , X and R Bi may be a useful tool for compact and/or linear electrical modelling and may give some guidelines to designers to improve operation frequencies. Moreover, this strategy can be applied to any layout and technological variation of HBT; it can be also applied to homojunction bipolar transistors. Our results show that HFN analysis should be included to fully characterize bipolar transistors.