The League Championship Algorithm (LCA) is sport-inspired optimization algorithm that was introduced by Ali Husseinzadeh Kashan in the year 2009. It has since drawn enormous interest among the researchers because of its potential efficiencyinsolvingmanyoptimizationproblemsandreal-worldapplications.TheLCAhasalsoshowngreat potentialsinsolvingnon-deterministicpolynomialtime(NP-complete)problems.Thissurveypresentsabriefsynopsisof theLCA literaturesinpeer-reviewedjournals,conferencesandbookchapters.Theseresearcharticlesarethen categorized according to indexing in the major academic databases (Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE Xplore and the Google Scholar). The analysis was also done to explore the prospects and the challenges of the algorithm and its acceptability among researchers. This systematic categorization can be used as a basis for future studies. Big Data and Data Mining Search technique 37 , resource allocation 38 , resource management 39 , etc. Mobile Computing and Sensor Networks Resource allocation 40 , energy conservation problem 41 , resource distribution 42 , search technique 43 , etc. Engineering Design Toy problem 44,45 , chaotic sequences 46 , Cognitive engineering design problem 47 , structural design problem 48 , etc. Networks and Distributed (i.e. parallel, grid and cloud) Systems Routing problem 49,50 , assignment problem 40,51 , resource allocation 52 and resource distribution 53 , etc. Graph Colouring Assignment problem 54,55 . Resource Constrained Projects Resource allocation 56,57 , resource distribution 58 and scheduling 59 . Machine Learning Learning of classification rules 60,61 , Learning the Structure of Bayesian Networks 62 , learning rules in a fuzzy system 63 and quadratic assignment problem 64 . University Timetable Resources allocation 65 and scheduling 66,67 . Subset Problems Multiple knapsack problem 68-70 , maximum independent set problem 71-73 , maximum clique problem 74,75 and redundancy allocation problem 76,77 , etc. Other Applications Open shop 78 and group shop scheduling 79 , permutation flow shop problem 80 , set covering problem 81 , 2D-HP Protein Folding 82 , etc.