Motivated by successes of fast reverting volatility models, and the implicit dependence of 'rough' processes on infinitesimal reversionary timescales, we establish a pathwise volatility framework which leads to a complete understanding of volatility trajectories' behaviour in the limit of infinitely-fast reversion. Towards this, we first establish processes that are weakly equivalent to Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) processes, but in contrast prove well-defined without reference to a probability measure. This provides an unusual example of Skorokhod's representation theorem. In particular, we become able to generalise Heston's model of volatility to an arbitrary degree, by sampling drivers ω under any probability measure; a rough one if so desired.Our main analysis relates to separable initial-value problems (IVPs) of typewith ω only assumed continuous (not Lipschitz, nor Hölder), solutions of which ϕ correspond to time-averages of volatility trajectories ϕ . Such solutions are shown to exist, be unique and bijective for any ω, essentially placing no constraints on corresponding volatility trajectories, except for their non-negativity. After bounding these solutions in time, we prove a rare type of convergence result, towards càdlàg exit-time limits, on Skorokhod's M1 topology. One immediate corollary of this limiting result is a weak connection between the time-averaged CIR process and the inverse-Gaussian Lévy subordinator.