We characterize Hessenberg matrices D associated with measures in the unit circle ν, which are matrix representations of compact and actually Hilbert Schmidt perturbations of the forward shift operator as those with recursion coefficients
false{αnfalse}n=0∞ verifying
∑n=0∞false|αn|2<∞, ie, associated with measures verifying Szegö condition. As a consequence, we obtain the following dichotomy result for Hessenberg matrices associated with measures in the unit circle: either D=SR+K2 with K2, a Hilbert Schmidt matrix, or there exists an unitary matrix U and a diagonal matrix Λ such that
boldD=U∗normalΛboldU+K2 with K2, a Hilbert Schmidt matrix. Moreover, we prove that for 1 ≤ p ≤ 2, if
∑n=0∞false|αn|p<∞, then D=SR+Kp with Kp an absolutely p summable matrix inducing an operator in the p Schatten class. Some applications are given to classify measures on the unit circle.