“…Characterization of trace amounts of oryanic compounds in "c1ean air" is a problem distinctly different frOlri the Other naturally deri ved 1 ipi d-type compound cl asses found i n back~round aerosol s are: fatty ac i ds (ßar~er and Garrett, 1970 Simoneit, 1977Simoneit, , 1979Simoneit, , 1980Eichmann et al, 1979, 19dU; lV\arty et ill., Sampl i n~ ofabilospheri c parti cul ate matter for organi c compound analysis has been done primarily throu~h the use of hi-vol air sarilp1ers with lass fiber filters. Simoneit (1977Simoneit ( ,1979 has also used nylon nets to salilple large () 211m) particles in the eastern tropical Atlantic near the 1983; Schneider and Ga::osian, 1984J in order to deteriiine the particle size distribution of the organic coiapounds and whether they were associdted wi th the 1 arge sea-sal t parti cl es (mari ne source), or wi th the we report here a description of the sdmplin~ equipment, sampliii:: pro- …”