ApstraktSavremeno globalno tržište karakteriše turbulentni i veoma promenljiv karakter. Uz brze društvene, tehnološke i informacione promene, organizacije postaju sve složenije a konkurentnost sve jača, što doprinosi promenama u savremenim konceptima poslovanja. Današnja dinamika u kojoj neka organizacija postoji i funkcioniše, karakteriše se mnoštvom diskontinuiteta što primorava menadžment organizacije na napuštanje tradicionalnih pristupa upravljanja. Pri generisanju koncepta strategije mora se voditi računa o promenama kao sve dominantnijem faktoru uspešnosti neke organizacije, odnosno menadžment mora evoluirati u menadžment promena i u tom kontekstu kontinuirano se usavršavati. Rad predstavlja nastojanje da se na osnovu teoretskih i praktičnih istraživanja relevantnih stručnjaka u ovoj oblasti napravi prikaz u vezi prirode i značaja organizacionih promena u sadašnjim uslovima poslovanja.Ključne reči: organizacione promene, upravljanje organizacionim promenama
NATURE, DIMENSIONS AND THE IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AbstractThe modern global market is characterized by a turbulent and highly variable character. With rapid social, technological and informational changes, organizations are becoming more and more competitive, and competitiveness is getting stronger, which contributes to changes in modern business concepts. Today's dynamism in which an organization exists and operates is characterized by a multitude of discontinuities that forces the organization's management to abandon traditional management approaches. When generating the strategy concept, changes must be taken into account as the increasingly dominant factor of the success of an organization, that is, management must evolve into the change management and in that context be continuously improved. The paper is an attempt to make a presentation on the nature and significance of organizational changes in the current operating conditions based on theoretical and practical research of relevant experts in this field.