ABSTRACT. It was previously demonstrated that the dog dopamine receptor D4 ( DRD4) gene is polymorphic in terms of the repeat number and/or order of 39-and 12-bp sequences located in the third exon. To examine whether or not the repetitive region is present in other species of the order Carnivora, the homologous region of DRD4 genes were sequenced in the gray wolf, raccoon dog, Asiatic black bear, common raccoon and domestic cat. In the family Canidae, the wolf had an identical sequence to that of the dog 447b allele, and a repetitive sequence similar to the dog DRD4 was also recognized in the raccoon dog. On the other hand, no obvious repeated structure was observed in the sequences of the bear, raccoon and cat. KEY WORDS: Carnivora, dopamine receptor D4, repetitive sequence.J. Vet. Med. Sci. 64(8):747-749, 2002 Human dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) is polymorphic in terms of the repeat numbers of the 48-bp sequence in the third exon of the gene [15]. It has been demonstrated that the DRD4 genotype is possibly related to the personality trait known as novelty seeking [1,2]. We reported previously that DRD4 is also polymorphic in the dog (Canis familiaris) [10] and seven alleles were identified based on the number and/or order of 39-and 12-bp sequences located in the homologous region of human DRD4 [12]. In addition, a distinct difference in allele frequency was observed in several dog breeds with different behavioral traits [7,12] and the DRD4 genotype may be related to certain behavioral characteristics (e.g. aggression to dogs) in dog breeds [11].The sequence and repeated structure of the polymorphic region of the DRD4 gene differ considerably between primates [5,6,8,9] and dogs, and a repetitive sequence does not exist in the homologous region of the rat [3], mouse [13] and carp [4] DRD4 genes. The carnivores are classified into 231 species belonging to nine genera of seven families. Therefore, analysis of various species of the order Carnivora may provide useful information for understanding the origin of the repetitive region and diversity of the DRD4 genes in dogs. In the present study, we amplified the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the repetitive region in dog DRD4 employing the following species: the gray wolf (Canis lupus, n=8) and raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides, n=3) of the family Canidae; the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus, n=13) of the family Ursidae; the common raccoon (Procyon lotor, n=7) of the family Procynidae; and the domestic cat (Felis sylvestris catus,