The computation of small concise and comprehensible excited state wave functions is needed because many electronic processes occur in excited states. But since the excited energies are saddle points in the Hilbert space of wave functions, the standard computational methods, based on orthogonality to lower lying approximants, resort to huge and incomprehensible wave functions, otherwise, the truncated wave function is veered away from the exact. The presented variational principle for excited states, F n , is demonstrated to lead to the correct excited eigenfunction in necessarily small truncated spaces. Using Hylleraas coordinates for He 1 S 1s2s, the standard method based on the theorem of Hylleraas -Unheim, and MacDonald, yields misleading main orbitals 1s1s' and needs a series expansion of 27 terms to be "corrected", whereas minimizing F n goes directly to the corect main orbitals, 1s2s, and can be adequately improved by 8 terms. F n uses crude, rather inaccurate, lower lying approximants and does not need orthogonality to them. This reduces significantly the computation cost. Thus, having a correct 1 st excited state ψ 1 , a ground state approximant can be immediately improved toward an orthogonal to ψ 1 function. Also higher lying functions can be found that have the energy of ψ 1 , but are orthogonal to ψ 1 . F n can also recognize a "flipped root" in avoided crossings: The excited state, either "flipped" or not, has the smallest F n . Thus, state average is unnecessary. The method is further applied via conventional configuration interaction up to three lowest singlet states of He.
The problem and the purposeThe study of excited states is already imperative especially as it concerns reactions, after activation, of stable species, like CO 2 or alkanes. First principles studies can only be utilized in truncated Hilbert spaces. Unfortunately, the standard methods of computing excited states in truncated spaces, although perhaps adequate for the energy and for spectroscopy, may yield incorrect wave functions (perhaps with correct energy), misleading for desired proper excitations. Thus, a method is needed (such as the present demonstrated) to yield excited state truncated wave functions that are not veered away from the exact Hamiltonian eigenfunctions. The ability to extend the variational principle to any excited state (without knowledge of the lower-lying exact eigenfunctions) has long been proven to be an inherent property of the Hamiltonian. The excited state truncated wave function based on the standard method of the Hylleraas and Undheim / MacDonald (HUM) theorem, is in principle incorrect in a more fundamental manner than just being truncated: Its accuracy must be strictly less than the accuracy of the ground state truncated approximant. On the other hand, an energy minimization orthogonally to all lower approximants ["orthogonal optimization" (OO)] must lead to a wave function lying lower than, and veered away from, the exact. A minimization principle for excited electronic states of a nondegenerate ...