“…In the top most part of the car bon ates, above the cono dont sam ples, at 853.7-863.0 m oc cur nu mer ous ostracode as semblages (a to tal of 21 spe cies), rep re sented by the Thuringian eco type deep-wa ter ben thic forms (Malec, 2009 (Gründel, 1961(Gründel, , 1962(Gründel, , 1973Blumenstengel, 1965Blumenstengel, , 1979Blumenstengel, , 1993Becker, 1976Becker, , 1987Olempska, 1979Olempska, , 1981Olempska, , 1997Bartzsch and Weyer, 1986;Wang, 1988;Lethiers and Feist, 1991;. Part of the Lower Car bon if er ous spe cies from the Ruda Strawczyñska core have also been rec og nized in the Kowala suc ces sion, where they oc cur within the range of the sulcatasandbergi Cono dont zones (Olempska, 1997).…”