Executive SummaryThe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is tasked with verifying that commitments made by States as part of their safeguards agreements with the IAEA are fulfilled. The IAEA verifies declarations made by States and detects undeclared activities in States through the implementation of a Safeguards Approach (SA) for the facility and a State Level Approach (SLA) for the entire state. At the facility level, the SA consists of measures to verify the special fissionable material present and its movement as declared by the facility. The SA measures also provide assurance that the facility operations are as declared and that the facility is not being misused. All these safeguards measures at the facility level contribute to the SLA for the entire state."Safeguards by Design" (SBD) is the practice of incorporating features to support application of these measures into facility designs throughout the entire facility lifecycle. The ultimate goal of SBD is to increase the safeguardability of a facility, a qualitative measure of "the degree of ease with which a nuclear energy system can be effectively and efficiently placed under international safeguards" (GIF 2006). Over the last 20 years, a growing volume of SBD literature has focused on safeguards principles and best practices. However, these informational and analytical tools have been independently developed with little effort made to form a consistent, structured methodology for a facility designer and the facility's safeguards experts to use in assessing the safeguardability of their design.To address this need, the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) Next Generation Safeguards Initiative funded the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Brookhaven National Laboratory, and several consultants to develop the Facility Safeguardability Assessment (FSA) process (Bari et al. 2012). FSA is a screening process used by a facility designer to focus their attention on the aspects of their facility or process design that would most benefit from application of SBD principles and practices. The process is meant to identify the most relevant guidance within the SBD tools for enhancing the safeguardability of the design. In fiscal year (FY) 2012, NNSA sponsored PNNL to evaluate the practical applicability of FSA by applying it to the NuScale small modular nuclear power plant design. This report documents the application of the FSA process, presenting conclusions regarding its efficiency and robustness rather than evaluating the safeguardability of the NuScale design. The report describes the NuScale safeguards design concept and presents considerations for functional "infrastructure" guidelines to ensure safeguardability.The application of FSA to the NuScale design consisted of four activities:1. The authors compared the NuScale design to the design of a current large pressurized water reactor using the FSA screening tool (Bari et al. 2012). The comparison proved useful in identifying those aspects of the design that posed safeguards chall...