“…If they are determined experimentally, the value is very dependent on the experimental method, published values ranging from 0.25 to 2.5. An instructive review on the intricacies of its determination in the crystal growth process and the difference between the Ôequilibrium' and the [149] 1688:05 < T < 1688:11 Assessment 1990 [150] Ramped down from 1573 ZMR SOI, SIMS 1998 [170] In CZ crystal FTIR, SIMS a VFA: ¼ vacuum fusion analysis, IR: ¼ infrared spectroscopy, XRD: ¼ X-ray diffractometry, AA: ¼ activation analysis, TEM: ¼ transmission electron microscopy, FTIR: ¼ fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, SIMS: ¼ secondary ion mass spectroscopy, ZMR SOI: ¼ zone melting recrystallization silicon-on-insulator. [156] 1723-1820 Ampoule, Q-IGFA 1993 [185] 1720-1815 SIMS, Q-GFA 1994 [186] 1693-1823 Q-IGFA, IR 1994 [158] T m Q-M, FTIR 1994 [187] 1723-1823 EMF, Q-VFA 1995 [188] T m Q-M, FTIR 1997 [151] 1703-1743 SIMS, Q-GFA 1997 [152] 1703-1743 SIMS, Q-GFA 1997 [159] 1687-1833 EMF a Q-FZ: ¼ quenched float zone, Q-M: ¼ quenched melt, IR: ¼ infrared spectroscopy, VFA: ¼ vacuum fusion analysis, AA: ¼ activation analysis, FTIR: ¼ fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, SIMS: ¼ secondary ion mass spectroscopy, (I)GFA: ¼ (inert) gas fusion analysis, EMF: ¼ electromotive force.…”