Tantalum pentoxide (Ta 2 O 5 ) is a wide-gap semiconductor which has important technological applications. Despite the enormous efforts from both experimental and theoretical studies, the ground state crystal structure of Ta 2 O 5 is not yet uniquely determined. Based on first-principles calculations in combination with evolutionary algorithm, we identify a triclinic phase of Ta 2 O 5 , which is energetically much more stable than any phases or structural models reported previously. Characterization of the static and dynamical properties of the new phase reveals the common features shared with previous metastable phases of Ta 2 O 5 . In particular, we show that the d-spacing of ~ 3.8 Å found in the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of many previous experimental works, is actually the radius of the second Ta-Ta coordination shell as defined by radial distribution functions. *Corresponding Author (wateratnanoscale@hotmail.com; yyang@theory.issp.ac.cn) Previous experimental studies have established that, Ta 2 O 5 undergoes a phase transition at T ~ 1593 K (1320 °C), from the low-temperature phase (L-Ta 2 O 5 ) to the high-temperature phase (H-Ta 2 O 5 ) [20]. In the research works that followed, many efforts are devoted to studying the crystallographic structures of both L-Ta 2 O 5 and H-Ta 2 O 5 , which still remain an issue of debate [21, 22]. Our work will focus on the atomic structures of the low-temperature phase of Ta 2 O 5 , L-Ta 2 O 5 , which is more relevant to technological applications. Due to the difficulties of growing high-quality single crystals of Ta 2 O 5 , the structural information provided by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) is very limited. Indeed, the crystal structures are found to be critically dependent on the conditions (e.g., temperatures, pressures) of synthesis and the method of analysis [23]. A number of phases and/or structural models have been suggested for L-Ta 2 O 5 . Based on the data of powder XRD, Stephenson and Roth proposed the 11-formula-units (Z = 11, 22 Ta and 55 O atoms) orthorhombic model (referred to as L SR ) [24]. Later, the Hummel et al. proposed the T-phase (orthorhombic, space group: Pmm2) which is however nonstoichiometric in chemical components (unit cell contains 24 Ta and 62 O atoms) [21]. Grey, Mumme, and Roth