Semiconductor fabrication facilities rely on the integrity of the silicon to manufacture sub-micron devices. Cross contamination of P-type silicon to N-type carriers or vice versa in the near surface region of the silicon can be detrimental to device performance. Semiconductor processing typically includes numerous diffusion and pre-clean steps, any one of which might auto-dope P-type silicon substrate with phosphorous. Inline monitoring of these near surface doping effects enhances the ability to diagnose autodoping problems.A non-contact Corona Oxide Silicon (COS) measurement technique has the ability to detect crosscontaminated P-type silicon with phosphorous from wet clean benches and diffusion furnaces. Results show COS flatband (V) and oxide total charge (Q) measurements are sensitive to various levels of intentional phosphorous contamination implanted into the silicon at pre-oxidation. Phosphorous at the silicon/oxide interface can pile up and create an electrically active thin "N" skin. Phosphorous from this thin "N" skin is shown to change the electrical characteristics of near surface region of the silicon. The detection of unwanted phosphorus with the use of COS inline monitoring can greatly reduce the response time when auto-doping problems occur.