Theoretical models of the spin-orbital liquid (SOL) FeSc2S4 have predicted it to be in close proximity to a quantum critical point separating a spin-orbital liquid phase from a long-range ordered magnetic phase. Here, we examine the magnetic excitations of FeSc2S4 through timedomain terahertz spectroscopy under an applied magnetic field. At low temperatures an excitation emerges that we attribute to a singlet-triplet excitation from the SOL ground state. A threefold splitting of this excitation is observed as a function of applied magnetic field. As singlet-triplet excitations are typically not allowed in pure spin systems, our results demonstrate the entangled spin and orbital character of singlet ground and triplet excited states. Using experimentally obtained parameters we compare to existing theoretical models to determine FeSc2S4's proximity to the quantum critical point. In the context of these models, we estimate that the characteristic length of the singlet correlations to be ξ/(a/2) ≈ 8.2 (where a/2 is the nearest neighbor lattice constant) which establishes FeSc2S4 as a SOL with long-range entanglement.The search for ground states without classical analogs, e.g. quantum ground states, is a central focus of modern condensed matter physics. A zero temperature spin liquid would be a prime realization of such a state [1]. Such systems possess local moments, but, due to quantum fluctuations, typically enhanced due to geometric frustration, do not order even at zero temperature. They are proposed to have quantum mechanically entangled wavefunctions, with exotic fractionalized excitations. Orbital degrees of freedom can also be disordered by quantum fluctuations [2]. Systems with both spin and orbital fluctuations as well as spin-orbit coupling (SOC) have been proposed to form a "spin-orbital liquid" (SOL) ground state, characterized by entangled spin and orbital degrees of freedom but no long range order [3][4][5][6][7].Recent experiments have shown a SOL phase may exist in the geometrically frustrated A site cubic spinel compound FeSc 2 S 4 . A tetrahedral S 4 crystal field splits a 3d shell into an upper t 2 orbital triplet and a lower e orbital doublet. With Hund's coupling, an Fe 2+ ion in a tetrahedral environment assumes a high spin S = 2 configuration with a lower 5 E orbital doublet ground state and an upper 5 T 2 orbital triplet excited state (Fig. 1). The ground state's two-fold orbital degeneracy is associated with the freedom to place a hole in either e orbital. Although orbital degeneracy is often relieved by Jahn-Teller distortions, heat capacity experiments show no sign of orbital ordering down to 50 mK and the magnetic susceptibility displays essentially perfect Curie-Weiss behavior with θ CW = -45.1 K in the range from 15 -400K [3]. The possible removal of the ground state orbital degeneracy FIG. 1: (a) Energy levels of Fe 2+ ion in an S=2 configuration after tetrahedral crystal field splitting and first and second order SOC, without including lattice effects. Numbers in parenthesis represen...