We explore the possibility of having a good description of classical signature change in the brane scenario.PACS Numbers: 04.50.+h, 98.80.Cq, 11.10.Kk, 04.20.Gz.The aim of this letter is to show, in simple terms, that a natural scenario for the change of signature in the physical spacetime is provided by the brane-world models [1][2][3] (see also [4][5][6] for an exhaustive list of references) or, in general, by every higher-dimensional theory [7] which may contain domain walls and/or branes.The main idea behind our proposal is that d-branes are nothing but timelike (d + 1)-surfaces in a higherdimensional spacetime (the bulk) [8]. However, nothing prevents the possibility of having perfectly regular branes which change its character from (say) spacelike to timelike, or which are partly null, or even more complicated possibilities. The first case corresponds to a signaturechanging brane. The interesting property is that both the bulk and the brane can be regular everywhere even though the change of signature may appear as a dramatical event when seen from within the brane. Notice that the signature in the bulk is left unchanged, so that our work differs significantly from other recent studies [9]. In our proposal, the study of the change of signature becomes the simple geometrical analysis of imbedded submanifolds in the bulk: a well-posed mathematical problem without pathologies. It is remarkable that many of the traditional ad hoc assumptions concerning signature change [10] are shown to become pure necessary conditions in the brane case, which indirectly proves the plausibility of our idea and makes it worth exploring it, possibly sheding some light into the "signature-change controversy" [10].Whether a signature change occurred in our effective spacetime is debatable, and several independent works have considered this possibility [12,11]. From a classical viewpoint, a signature change may serve to avoid the singularities of general relativity [13], such as the big-bang, which might be replaced by a Euclidean region prior to the birth of time. Signature change has also been vindicated as an effective classical description of both the no-boundary proposal [14] and the quantum tunneling [15] approach for the prescription of the Universe's wave function in quantum cosmology. In general, every process which can be studied by resorting to the "imaginary time", e.g. [14], can be also analyzed by means of change of the signature. All these possibilities could be naturally considered in our proposal.As a matter of concreteness we will focus on the recent models based on a single 3-brane embedded into a five-dimensional Lorentzian manifold with a noncompact fifth dimension [3] (a more geometrically focused review of this model can be found in [5]) and [16,17]. We can think of such a brane model as consisting of two Lorenztian regions joined together across corresponding smooth timelike boundaries. The matching between the two manifolds can be performed as long as the induced metrics on the two boundaries are isometric....