Abstract:In Brazilian constitutionalism's history there was no evidence of professoriate's valorization. However, the 1988 Federal Constitution and the Brazilian Educational Laws and Guidelines (LDB) (1996) pondered the principles and standards concerning professors' recognition. In a democratic state, the human preservation and dignity principle is absolute, and thus should reach the working environment as a way of consolidating REVISTA DO DIREITO PÚBLICO, Londrina, v.9, n.1, p.73-100, jan./abr.2014 74 the person's dignity concerning job. The Brazilian educational scenario, unlike the law ruling the teaching activity, socially depreciates the teachers's paper. The professoriate has been through a restructuring process, intensified by a market ideology that supports the estimation of the teaching fun ction. Drawing to a close, some proposals in accordance with general and specific constitutional principles were shown aiming the social importance of education, strenghtening with the criation of a respectable workplace for teaching staff.