Introducti on: Urinary Tract Infecti on (UTI) is one of the common medical conditi ons which seek the help of clinician and prompt interventi on with suitable anti bioti cs to prevent morbid conditi ons. Therefore, identi fi cati on of causati ve agent with their anti bioti c sensiti vity patt ern is always mandatory for successful treatment of the cases.The main objecti ve of the study was to identi fy the common bacterial pathogen responsible for causing Urinary Tract Infecti on with determinati on of sensiti vity patt ern of commonly used anti bioti cs.Methods: A total of 8270 urine samples were collected from the pati ent att ending Outpati ent Department and admitt ed as Inpati ent in ward during the period of January 2011 to December 2011 in Shree Birendra Hospital. The samples were subjected to culture for identi fi cati on of pathogen with their anti bioti c sensiti vity patt ern following standard methodology.Results: Out of total, only1654 (20%) showed growth of pathogenic organisms. Among them positi vity was highest in pati ent att ending Outpati ent Department. Eight diff erent species of bacteria was isolated as causati ve agent. Among them Escherichia coli (67%) was predominantly higher in number followed by Proteus spp (22.24%), Klebsiellaspp (4.07%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa(2.7%) and Citriobacterfreundii (2.3%). Among these organisms sensiti vity was highest towards Amikacin (86%) & Gentamycin (69%) followed by Nitrofuranti on (60.5%).
Conclusions:Causati ve agent of Urinary Tract Infecti on may vary in diff erent situati on. Defi nite identi fi cati on of pathogen with their anti bioti c sensiti vity patt ern is always key point for success of treatment.