Research and Development Organisation with 280 publications. BHU's main collaborator country is USA with 607 publications, followed by Germany with 471 publications. Maximum consistency (0.40) in international collaboration is seen with Nepal, whereas minimum consistency observed with England. Maximum consistency of publications is seen 1995. Highest consistency (0.37) is seen in sub-field electrochemistry. Sepectrochimica acta Part A has highest consistency (0.53), while Astrophysics and Space Science has lowest (0.19) consistency.Keywords: Three-dimensional study; Banaras Hindu University; BHU; Collaboration Received : 09 August 2017, Revised : 03 September 2017 Accepted : 19 September 2017, Online published : 07 November 2017 DJLIT, VOL. 37, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2017 404 indicated volume; the quality (or impact i), as measured by the ratio C/P, where C is the total number of citations received by P papers, indicated the velocity with which the ideas in P papers are communicated through citations C, and consistency ƞ indicated the variety (variability) in the quality of the individual papers in the publication set or, in other words, the shape of the distribution curve. By using all three components together, a z-index can be computed from an energy-like term (Z = ƞ X = ƞ 2E ) as z = Z 1/3 , which has the same dimensions as the number of publications. X is energy and E is energy [5][6] , so it is possible to imagine a phantom indicator named zynergy for Z = ƞ X = ƞ 2E . This phantom index combines quantity, quality, and consistency (or efficiency) in the true spirit of 3D evaluation. The accurate calculation of consistency (ƞ) requires the complete citation sequence, (i.e. the distribution curve) for country, organisation, author or journal.
tHrEE-dIMEnSIonAL EVALuAtIon tooLSSeveral indicators have been used to express performance of scientific output of an individual, institution, or an entity. Scientific performance of individual or an entity can be measured by using different parameters.
QuantityNumber of papers/articles 'P' published during a prescribed window will be called publication window (for this study the window is from 1989 to 2016). A five-year citation window is considered for each year.
Quality and consistencyQuality denotes citation per paper, calculated as C/P where C is the number of citations during a prescribed citation window. The quality measurement needed two separate windows, the publication window and the citation window. In 3-D evaluation of performance measurement after computing quantity P and quality i parameters, it is possible to derive other indicators by following these sequences. P= i 0 P (zero th -order indicator), C= i 1 P (first-order indicator), X= i 2 P = iC (secondorder indicator), where C = Σc j , j = 1 to P.C is derived from complete citation sequence, c j of the citation of each paper in a publication portfolio of P papers as the total number of citations, C=∑c j , for j=1 to P. Both P and C serve as indicators of performance in their respective ways. If C=iP may be as...