One of the road damages on the flexible pavement is ravelling. Ravelling caused by the release of aggregate grains from the asphalt mixture. The interaction between the wheels of the vehicle and the surface of the pavement causes friction that pushes the aggregate out. The plastic waste on road pavements has been widely used to improve the performance of road pavement structures. Most of previous study focused on Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) ravelling using Cantabro test. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ravelling performance of plastic waste material in hot mix asphalt mixtures. In addition, the use of plastic waste can reduce the environmental impact due to the high volume of plastic waste. The test is carried out in the laboratory using a rotation abrasion device based on the principle of rotating wheel load with loading, speed, and testing time parameters. Furthermore, the ravelling resistance value of HMA was obtained in dry and wet conditions. The addition of plastic waste into asphalt can increase the ravelling resistance of HMA mixes. The results of the wet test have greater ravelling resistance than dry test.