The article deals with the issues of structuring the variative foreign language training content. Variative foreign language training consists of a basic mandatory part for all students, which implements the requirements of Federal state educational standards at a minimum level and variation part. The variation part, represented by educational variants, is designed to meet the cognitive needs of students and take into account personal characteristics that affect the acquisition of a foreign language at the University. It is shown that the system approach is the basis for structuring the content. Professionally oriented foreign language training in higher education is considered as part of the higher education system, is subject to general goals, is regulated by the standard, program, and includes the levels of higher education: bachelor's, master's, specialty, and postgraduate. Disciplines related to foreign language acquisition are focused on the formation of foreign language communication skills, and also allow forming flexible skills that are necessary by specialists in different areas of professional activity today and are increasingly in the future. It is noted that the system approach regulates the construction of variative training parts in the aggregate, due to their interaction. The core of the system is the basic and variation variants availability. The framework of the system is the educational standards requirements, the educational program data, which sets the terms of the course development, the number of hours for classroom and self-study work, the form of intermediate and final control. The system integrity is manifested in the presence of horizontal and vertical links between the educational process elements. Horizontal links are located in the relationship between the basic and variation parts at each education level. Vertical links are found between the basic and additional parts of all levels on the basis of content and technology continuity. Continuity is understood as taking into account the individual level of educational achievements and reliance on the studied material. The results led to structure the variative foreign language training content in "Animal husbandry", to identify the basic and variation parts for the growth and development of foreign language skills and orientation training to suit individual needs and students’ characteristics.