The Indonesian government issued regulations for law enforcement in an effort to suppress the spread of Covid-19, including the implementation of air transportation which is very vulnerable. Airlines as carriers are required to apply in the implementation of transportation. However, is the regulation effective in suppressing the spread of Covid-19? This article uses normative legal research supported by primary and secondary data, and is analyzed qualitatively by drawing conclusions from general to specific matters. The results show that the positive impact of implementing regulations to prevent Covid-19 is the existence of law enforcement that is applied to passengers, goods and aircraft in the process of air transportation, where passengers must carry out health protocols by conducting antigen tests through hospital referrals, washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds and reducing mobility, sterilization of goods is carried out by spraying drugs that kill viruses, as well as airplane rooms. There are sanctions imposed on passengers, goods and airlines if they do not implement health protocols, that is unable to carry out flight operations. The Implementation of regulations not effective yet because the passengers still lack understanding of the importance of health protocols, therefore strict supervision is needed as a preventive measure for the implementation of comfortable air transportation to a safe and productive Covid-19 community.