Plasma behavior during pellet injection in ITER is investigated using a 1.5D BALDUR integrated predictive modeling code. In these simulations, the pellet ablation is described using the neutral gas shielding (NGS) model developed by Parks and Turnbull [Phys. Fluids 21, 1735 (1978)]. The NGS pellet ablation model that includes the ٌB drift effect is coupled with a plasma core transport model, which is a combination of an MMM95 anomalous transport model and an NCLASS neoclassical transport model. The combination of core transport models, together with pellet model, is used to simulate the time evolution of plasma current, ion and electron temperatures, and density profiles for ITER standard type I ELMy H mode discharges dur ing the pellet injection. It is found that the injection of pellet can result in either enhancement or degradation of plasma performance. The ٌB drift effect on the pellet deposition is very strong in ITER. The plasma den sity with high field side pellets, which favorable with the ٌB drift effect, is much higher and pellet can pene trate much deeper than that with low field side pellets.