In this study we aimed to compare the mineralogical, thermal, physicochemical, and biological characteristics of recent organic carbon-rich sediments (‘sapropels’) from three geographically distant Romanian lakes (Tekirghiol and Amara, SE Romania, and Ursu, Central Romania) with distinct hydrogeochemical origins, presently used for pelotherapy. The investigated lakes were classified as inland brackish Na-Cl-sulfated type (Amara), coastal moderately saline and inland hypersaline Na-Cl types (Tekirghiol and Ursu, respectively). The settled organic matter is largely composed of photosynthetic pigments derived from autochthonous phytoplankton. Kerogen was identified in the sapropel of coastal Tekirghiol Lake suggesting its incipient maturation stage. The mineral composition was fairly similar in all sapropels and mainly consisted of quartz, calcite, and aragonite. Smectite, illite, mixed layer smectite/illite appeared as major clay components. Potentially toxic elements were found in low concentrations. The physical properties (i.e., specific heat, thermal conductivity and retentivity) and cation exchange capacity are comparable to other peloids used for therapy. This study is the first comprehensive multi-approached investigation of the geochemical nature of recent sapropels in Romanian saline lakes and thus contributes to expanding our knowledge on the origin and physicochemical qualities of organic matter-rich peloids with therapeutic uses.