The Santo Yoseph Medari Church is located in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. This church has regular worship activities (weekly eucharist) as well as several other activities. These activities include regular meetings, acolyte exercises, and informal meetings in an effort to strengthen the community. Some of these activities are scheduled, but many of them are incidental. These various activities are often concurrent, so there is a need for adequate pastoral care spaces, such as small group meeting rooms, large groups, and other spaces that are useful for supporting pastoral care. The existing rooms are not yet optimal, so they need to be rearranged. At the request of the parish, University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta assigned a community service team to respond and assist these needs. This technical assistance team has assisted the church in designing the masterplan for the Santo Yoseph Medari Church. The masterplan that has been made adapts the existing conditions. It is expected to meet the needs of space, both as a support for religious activities at the Church of Santo Yoseph Medari and the activities of parishioners in general as well. Analysis of the site potential and functional requirements has been carried out during the design development process so that the resulting masterplan design is suitable for the needs of the community but still in accordance with the physical and cultural environment of the local community. The process of making the masterplan is divided into two stages (in broad outline), namely: data collection and initial analysis, followed by drafting and making design drawings consisting of area arrangement drawings and design proposals for supporting buildings.