UMKM MAPAN is one of the UMKM communities consisting of 300 UMKM entrepreneurs who are currently developing and located in the Depok area. These UMKM provide a wide variety of products to be marketed. In marketing these products, these UMKM group still uses the conventional method, is still by face-to-face with the buyer, so they have to rent a place first and are still limited in marketing online. This method has many weaknesses, such as the high cost of renting a place and the difficulty of finding a strategic location to market the product. Therefore, in this study, an e-commerce marketplace web system was created that could accommodate 300 UMKM MAPAN entrepreneurs in marketing their products. In addition, an automatic system for payment transactions on the UMKM marketplace was also created using the Horspool crawling method so that it could make it easier for UMKM entrepreneurs to print payment transaction reports. Based on the research results, the success rate of report printing is 100%. In this study, the complexity of the Horspool algorithm is O(n) with n is length of pattern while the time complexity of the Horspool algorithm is O(m+σ) with m is length of search string.