Playing is a fun activity and liked by children. It can be used as a media of learning. The observations carried out in SD Negeri 3 Sawah Lama Bandar Lampung found that the learning media used was not interesting for students to learn. The aims of the study are to determine the steps in developing a game of red-and-white monopoly media;to know the quality of red-and-white monopoly games; and to find out the responses of students to the red-and-white monopoly game. This study is a research anddevelopment (R & D) using the Borg and Gall model. The steps start from exploring potential aspect and its problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, and product revision. The techniques of data collection are observations, interviews, and questionnaires.The data analysis technique uses is qualitative descriptive. The results of the analysis show that the assessment of material experts gained an average of 93% "very good",the assessment of media experts gained an average of 92% "very good", the assessment of education practitioners gained an average of 90% "very good". While the questionnaire responses of students in the small class trials gained an average of 96% "very good" andthe results of a large class trial gained an average of 94% "very good". Based on the results of the description above, the products developed by researchers are feasible to be used as learning media.