Snakehead fish dispersion is one of the developments of food products that have fairly high nutritional benefits and serve as a dietary supplement to maintain endurance for adults, and help growth for children. Snakehead fish dispersion products consist of several materials that serve to improve product quality and extend shelf life. Estimation of shelf life in this study using the ASLT method of the Arrhenius model where the product is stored in three different temperatures, room temperature (28°C), temperature 35°C, and temperature 45°C. To calculate the shelf life, it is necessary to carry out several tests so that the main parameters that most influence damage to snakehead fish dispersion products can be determined. The parameters used are acidity, viscosity, and organoleptic levels including color, taste, and aroma. The results of this study point to the aroma as the main parameter because it has the smallest activation energy value compared to other parameters, namely -6672.96 cal/mol. The shelf life of snakehead fish dispersion products is calculated by the equation of reaction order 0 and obtained shelf life for a temperature of 28°C is 2.7 months, at a temperature of 35°C is 2.2 months, and storage at a temperature of 45°C is 1.5 months. The results of this study will be used as additional data in the development of snakehead fish dispersion products. And also become a reference in next research in determining the shelf life of products using the ASLT method with Arrhenius model.