Preeclampsia is a serious problem, has a high level of complexity, and has an impact on mothers during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. to identify non-pharmacological interventions that can prevent the incidence of preeclampsia. Rapid review with PCC approach based on several inclusion criteria and keywords. After the selection, 9 articles were obtained through the Ebsco and PubMed databases. We found four groups of non-pharmacological interventions in preventing the incidence of preeclampsia, which are community-based interventions, physical exercise, diet management, and early delivery planning. Non-pharmacological interventions to prevent preeclampsia were found to be effective, but in its implementation it requires attention and assessment of the factors that can influence the success and failure of the interventions. Keywords: Preeclampsia, Non-Pharmacological Interventions, Pregnant Women ABSTRAK Preeklamsia merupakan masalah yang serius, memiliki tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi, dan berdampak pada ibu saat hamil, melahirkan, serta pasca persalinan. Untuk mengidentifikasi intervensi-intervensi non-farmakologis yang dapat mencegah insiden preeklamsia. Rapid review dengan pendekatan PCC berdasarkan beberapa kriteria inklusi dan kata kunci. Setelah dilakukan seleksi, didapatkan 9 artikel yang melalui basis data Ebsco dan PubMed. Kami menemukan empat kelompok intervensi non-farmakologi dalam mencegah insiden preeklamsia, yaitu intervensi berbasis komunitas, latihan fisik, pengaturan diet, dan perencanaan persalinan lebih awal. Intervensi non-farmakologi untuk mencegah preeklamsia ditemukan efektif, namun dalam implementasinya diperlukan perhatian dan pengkajian terkait faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan kegagalan intervensi. Kata Kunci: Preeklamsia, Intervensi Non-Farmakologi, Ibu Hamil