This study aims to determine the implementation of Akidah Akhlak Learning in the Formation of Morals to Parents and Teachers of Grade 3 Students at MI AL-KHAWATIM, Arjasa District, Sumenep Regency. Study in depth about the implementation of moral aqidah learning. By using qualitative research methods. Data collection methods used in the form of Observation, Interview, Documentation and Documents. Analysis of the data in this study used descriptive qualitative techniques through data reduction (Data Reduction), data presentation (Data Display) and drawing conclusions (Conclusion drawing/verification). Test the validity of the data in this study using the t triangulation technique. The purpose of the data validity test is data that does not differ between the data obtained by the researcher and the data that actually occurs on the object of research so that the validity that has been presented can be accounted for. The subjects of this study were students, teachers and parents. The results of the first study, the implementation of moral aqidah learning in the formation of students' morals using the question and answer method, discussions, lectures and using learning resources related to moral aqidah. Both advantages and disadvantages of moral aqidah, the advantages of which are that it can shape the behavior and behavior of students towards God, parents, teachers, and themselves. And the drawback of implementing learning even though using an effective method is the method (lectures, questions and answers, discussions) but there are drawbacks to this method because the method sometimes creates confusion in the classroom so that some students are not too focused on learning. and also in one room there are two classes, as well as a lack of learning resources.