Students are members of the community who try to develop their potentials through the learning process that is available on major, levels and types of education. Good education provides an environment and encourages students to develop their potential so that they become outstanding students. On the other hand, students are individuals who have different characteristics and perspectives. Some students think that school is a bridge to get a formal job, and they are easier to get a job with a diploma without regard to the competencies they must face. This implies that the diploma is very important without regard to the process. Then, the school must develop a culture of achievement to the students, one of them is through new student orientation activities. The orientation activities for new students help them adapt to their new environment and will grow motivation and learning and explore their potential. Therefore, the students can develop their potential not only in academic achievement but also in their non-academic achievements. into 4 activities, namely Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling (POAC). Planning includes activities to determine what you want to achieve, how to achieve it, the time needed, how